Cover of Serverless On Kubernetes With Knative

Serverless On Kubernetes With Knative

This book explores the transformative world of serverless computing and its integration with Kubernetes using Knative. Designed for developers, architects, and platform operators, this book delves into the evolution of serverless, its core principles, and practical applications. Key Topics Covered: The principles of serverless computing and its advantages for modern applications. Essential architecture patterns, including event-driven designs and API gateways. Knative Serving and Eventing, streamlining serverless workloads and event-driven workflows. Cloud Events and how they enable interoperability. Real-world use cases and practical guidance for building scalable, cost-effective solutions. Future trends in serverless, including AI/ML, edge computing, and hybrid deployments. Whether you’re new to cloud-native development or a seasoned practitioner, Serverless on Kubernetes with Knative equips you with the knowledge to simplify application development, optimize resource use, and unleash innovation. ...

(updated February 17, 2025) · 1 min · Pradeep Loganathan

Mastering Kubernetes Health Probes: Ensuring Robust and Reliable Services

Introduction One of the key factors in Kubernetes’ success is its ability to facilitate the development and deployment of resilient and highly available applications. This is achieved through a combination of features, including its containerization approach, flexible scaling mechanisms, and robust health check mechanisms. As a container orchestration system it is essential for Kubernetes to keep track of the health of the various nodes, pods and containers in the cluster. Kubernetes uses health checks to monitor the health of applications, containers & pods running in a cluster. These health checks are a critical part of the platform and are used by the Kubernetes control plane to ensure that your applications are not just up and running, but also ready and capable of performing their intended functions effectively. Health checks allows kubernetes to take appropriate corrective action by replacing unhealthy components and route traffic to healthy ones. This functionality is critical and provides the high availability and resiliency features of kubernetes. ...

October 25, 2023 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 10 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Knative Fundamentals

Knative - Fundamental concepts

Knative focuses on three key areas - building an application, serving traffic to it, and enabling applications to easily consume and produce events. This post looks at the fundamental concepts of Knative such as Knative Serving, Knative Eventing and Knative build. It also looks at the details of service, configuration, Revision and routes which are part of Knative Serving. It looks at the details of Messaging, Channel, Subscription, sources and sinks which are part of Knative eventing.

May 20, 2022 · (updated December 25, 2023) · 7 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Kubernetes Storage Architecture

Kubernetes Storage architecture

Kubernetes Storage concepts Applications that run on Kubernetes can be stateless or stateful. Kubernetes abstracts away persistent storage from ephemeral pods and containers. Kubernetes provides the ability to dynamically create storage resources. The Kubernetes storage architecture is based on volumes as the primary abstraction. Volumes are created and managed by Kubernetes. It is bound to pods and containers. Volumes are attached to the nodes where the pods and containers are running. Volumes are mounted to the containers and are bound to persistent storage. ...

April 27, 2022 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 8 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Deploying Sql Server on Kubernetes for High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Deploying Sql Server Always On Availability Group on Kubernetes

In this post we will deploy MS Sql Server in a kubernetes cluster. We will then configure it as an always on availability group.We will also look at synchronization and failover.

January 31, 2022 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 21 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Deploying gatekeeper to a kubernetes cluster and defining constraints

Deploying OPA Gatekeeper and defining constraints

In this post we will deploy gatekeeper to a kubernetes cluster. We will then define constraints and ensure that gatekeeper enforces those constraints.

January 7, 2022 · (updated January 8, 2024) · 8 min · Pradeep Loganathan
OPA Gatekeeper – An introduction

OPA Gatekeeper - Transforming Kubernetes with Dynamic Policy Enforcement

OPA Gatekeeper is a Kubernetes-native policy controller that enables resource validation and audit functionality for a Kubernetes cluster.

January 7, 2022 · (updated December 25, 2023) · 7 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Introduction to Kubernetes Admission Controllers

Introduction to Kubernetes Admission Controllers

Admission controllers provide extension points that augment Kubernetes functionality. Admission controllers determine if the request is well-formed and approve or reject the API request.

January 6, 2022 · (updated December 27, 2024) · 9 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Introduction to Open Policy Agent (OPA)

Open Policy Agent (OPA) - Revolutionizing Policy as Code

The Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a policy engine to author declarative policies as code and use those policies as a component of the decision-making process.

December 16, 2021 · (updated December 26, 2023) · 11 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Using Cluster Api to Create Kubernetes Clusters on Azure

Using Cluster Api to Create Kubernetes Clusters on Azure

In this post let’s look at using CAPI to deploy a Kubernetes cluster in Azure. The end goal is to create a Kubernetes cluster in Azure with three control plane nodes and three worker nodes.

December 14, 2021 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 9 min · Pradeep Loganathan