API architecture showdown - Rest vs graphQL vs gRPC

Three technologies stand out as primary choices for developing API’s REST, GraphQL, and gRPC. Understanding what they bring to the table and making sure it aligns with your API design goals is key in developing successful API’s

February 9, 2024 · (updated December 27, 2024) · 5 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Reactive Manifesto

Reactive Manifesto

The Reactive Manifesto describes how to design and architect Reactive systems according to your needs.Systems built as Reactive Systems are more Reliable, flexible, loosely coupled, scalable and resilient. This makes them easier to develop and amenable to change. Reactive systems are more tolerant of failure and when failure does occur, they meet it with elegance rather than disaster.

September 9, 2018 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 6 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Hexagonal architectures

Hexagonal Architectures

Hexagonal architecture aims to decouple business logic from other parts of the component, especially the persistence, eventing and services layers. A component, built on the ports and adapters pattern, exposes a set of ports to which one or more adapters can be added as necessary.

July 10, 2017 · (updated February 2, 2024) · 4 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Representational State Transfer - REST

REST - Identifying Resources and URI design.

The key parts of a Resource oriented architecture (REST architecture) are resources, identifiers, representations, and the links between them. There is no exact science to identifying resources and there is no right or wrong with resources identified.In this post we will look at best practices to do so.

December 14, 2016 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 5 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Rest - Idempotency and Safety

Rest - Idempotency and Safety

Implementing the REST architectural principles results in the both Idempotency and safety being incorporated into the system. This is not however not completely automatic and needs to be thought through in detail.

October 19, 2016 · (updated February 5, 2024) · 7 min · Pradeep Loganathan
REST constraints

REST architectural constraints

REST defines six architectural constraints which make any web service – a truly RESTful API. These are also called as Fielding’s constraints. They generalize the Web’s architectural principles and represent them as a framework of constraints or an architectural style.

October 19, 2016 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 5 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Representational State Transfer - REST

Demystifying REST: How API-First Design is Redefining Web Interactions

Rest is a client server communication model which is stateless, resource based, and Idempotent.

September 18, 2016 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 8 min · Pradeep Loganathan