Building a secure and high-performance AKS Kubernetes cluster using Terraform

Building a secure and high-performance AKS Kubernetes cluster using Terraform

I have been part of a couple of build outs where we built Kubernetes clusters to run our cloud workloads. These builds involved deploying AKS clusters using terraform and AzDO. Designing the AKS infrastructure is key to ensure that the cloud workloads running on them can be deployed, secured, and hosted effectively. In this post I am documenting the general steps involved in building out a Kubernetes infrastructure on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) using terraform and deploy workloads using Azure devops (AzDO) and Helm charts....

September 9, 2021 · (updated February 5, 2024) · 14 min · Pradeep Loganathan

Creating a Windows VM using Terraform

This post is a follow up on the Terraform 101 sessions for the Sunshine Coast dotnet user group. The slides and the code from the session are below. Slides Terraform 101 from Pradeep Loganathan Creating a Windows Virtual Machine provider "azurerm" { version = "=2.8.0" features {} } #create the resource group resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" { name = "ateam-resource-group" location = "australiaeast" } #create the virtual network resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet1" { resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group....

May 18, 2020 · (updated September 3, 2022) · 2 min · Pradeep Loganathan