SSL Wildcard Certificates

How to Generate SSL Wildcard Certificates with ACME Challenges, Let's Encrypt, and Certbot

This blog post guides you through the process of generating SSL wildcard certificates using ACME challenges and Certbot, helping secure your domains with Let’s Encrypt.

July 7, 2024 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 6 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Principles of Cloud Native design - 12 Factor apps

Principles of Cloud Native design - 12 Factor apps

The twelve-factor app principles are a collection of best practices for building microservices-based cloud-native applications. These applications are modular, scalable, and agile. They are designed to perform at web scale and provide high resiliency.

August 12, 2022 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 11 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Off the blocks with the new Cosmos Db SDK-V4

Off the blocks with the new Cosmos Db SDK - V4

Creating Cosmos Db Infrastructure The azure Cosmos DB team provides SQL API SDK’s for various languages. At the time of writing this post the NuGet package for .NET core is at version 4 preview 3. The GitHub repo for this NuGet package is here . To get started we can use the Cosmo Db emulator locally or create a Cosmos Account on Azure. We can log onto Azure portal to create a Cosmos Account or use Azure CLI. I am using the below Azure CLI command to create a Cosmos DB account. This command creates a Cosmos DB Account named eCommerceDb-AC in the eCommerce-RG resource group. ...

November 2, 2020 · (updated December 27, 2024) · 7 min · Pradeep Loganathan
High performance Data modelling in Azure Cosmos Db

High performance Data modelling in Azure Cosmos Db

It is imperative to understand core concepts involved in modelling data in Cosmos Db to harness its power. It is an extremely powerful cloud native database.

October 30, 2020 · (updated February 2, 2024) · 10 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Getting started with Cosmos DB

Getting started with Cosmos DB

Cosmos DB is a cloud native database engine on Azure. It is a born-in the-cloud database with no legacy compatibility requirements. It can expose data using a variety of models and API’s.

October 21, 2020 · (updated February 5, 2024) · 4 min · Pradeep Loganathan

Getting started with terraform on azure - Part 1

Sunshine coast .Net user group meeting. Topic - Getting started with terraform on Azure.

October 11, 2020 · (updated December 27, 2024) · 1 min · Pradeep Loganathan

Getting started with terraform on azure - Part 2

Sunshine coast .Net user group meeting. Topic - Getting started with terraform on Azure.

October 11, 2020 · (updated December 27, 2024) · 1 min · Pradeep Loganathan
Terraform - getting started

Terraform - Getting Started

Terraform is an open source tool created by HashiCorp to define infrastructure as cod using a simple, declarative language called HCL. Terraform is used to deploy and manage infrastructure across a variety of cloud providers & virtualization platforms. It can be used to deploy infrastructure to all major cloud providers such as Azure, AWS, Digital ocean, and virtualization platforms such as VMware, Open stack, and others.

October 11, 2020 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 15 min · Pradeep Loganathan
AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation is an IaC tool for creating AWS resources in a declarative way.

May 30, 2017 · (updated December 21, 2024) · 6 min · Pradeep Loganathan