gRPC and .NET: Crafting Cutting-Edge APIs
Dive into gRPC with this tutorial – understand Protocol Buffers, define services, and implement a gRPC server in .NET for fast, efficient communication.
Dive into gRPC with this tutorial – understand Protocol Buffers, define services, and implement a gRPC server in .NET for fast, efficient communication.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs. It is a query language that provides for client-tailored queries. It is an API specification.
OpenAPI 3.0 lets you describe how your APIs are protected using various security schemes and their security requirements.
The Open API Specification is used to define the contract between the API consumers and the API providers. The specification is based on the JSON schema and is a standard format for describing the data exchanged between the API consumers and the API providers.
HTTPS is a network protocol used to serve up web pages. HTTPS, or HTTP Secure, was designed to secure communications between a client and the HTTP server. It is a protocol that uses a secure connection to transfer data over the internet.
An API Gateway provides a single and unified API entry point across one or more internal APIs. It mediates, routes, and invokes a respective endpoint after request verification, content filtering, authentication, and authorization.
Representing dates in an API is a common but often not well thought out functionality.We need to be very cognizant of representing dates, intervals, and periods in the API Payload. There are two generally accepted date formats for API’s.
JSON Web Token(JWT) is an industry standard for security tokens used to securely transmit information between client and server as JSON objects.It provides a solution to the problem of passing claims between parties. In this post we will create an Angular interceptor to introspect JWT tokens.
Creating API’s has a certain rigor to it right from the design phase which is different from a UI based Web application. One of the areas where this is very apparent is communicating exceptions to the client. In a web application exception are communicated to the client using the UI with the most common being a 404 page. This page has been elevated to an art form now. The image below is a 404 page on Pixar’s website. ...
JSON Web Token(JWT) is an industry standard for security tokens used to securely transmit information between client and server as JSON objects.It provides a solution to the problem of passing claims between parties. In this post we will be implementing a JWT token server which will serve tokens to users with the appropriate credentials.